House of David

Who We Are: In 2012, I had a vivid dream where I walked into a house, into the kitchen, and saw children of various ages crowded around a kitchen island, trying to shield each other. I was puzzled at the sight of so many kids looking afraid and soon realized why they were afraid. I looked up and there was a full-blown storm happening, and it was pouring down rain in the kitchen. The kids had nothing shielding or protecting them from the storm. There was no roof in the kitchen; just a dark cloud and stormy weather and all that storms bring, raining down on the kids. All I could think to myself was “Oh my goodness, these kids need a covering. They need to be protected from the storm.” When I woke up, I knew the Lord had given me a clear assignment - be the protection and covering the kids need. Out of that, House of David was created.

What We Do: House of David works collaboratively to offer supportive services to vulnerable, at-risk, and justice-involved youth (to age 24). We offer support in the form of:

  • Mobile Case Management: This is for youth AND their families. We believe that offering supportive services to a youth won’t help stabilize them if the family is in crisis or unstable. Our approach offers connections to resources for the everyone to give the youth a better chance at success. It is mobile, meaning that we will bring services to the youth and families when they can’t come to us.

  • Whole Life Readiness Support: Includes employment readiness planning and training, mentorship, and school engagement coaching and encouragement. Youth would also be able to participate in our “Experience-ships” which provide activities tied to life skills, focusing on mind, body, spiritual wellness, and experiencing life outside of their normal environment.

Contact to get started!

Be Blessed,

Candyce Cathey