Sponsored by Project URGE. Co-Sponsors: 441 Ministries, Youth for Christ, New City Fellowship, Asbury First UMC

For the last 40 years, Focused Community Strategies has been partnering with communities experiencing poverty. Early on, we saw how our well-intentioned efforts were not producing meaningful results. They were, in fact, doing more harm than good. This was a difficult thing to realize. Though our mandate remained unchanged - participate with God in loving and serving the materially poor - we knew that our method had to be reimagined.

The Reimagine Charity Seminar is a distillation of 40 years of on-the-ground, hard-won wisdom. As we have walked alongside under-resourced neighborhoods in Atlanta, we have learned so much about what does - and what does not - work.

The Reimagine Charity seminar is for you if you have a desire to reimagine charity in ways that will lead to real and lasting change. We designed this training event for groups who are passionately engaged in loving and serving those experiencing poverty but at the same time; know that a better way has to be possible.

What makes the Reimagine Charity Seminar unique?

  • Learner-centered: We know your organization comes to the table with your own stories, experiences, and ideas. Therefore, this event is designed to integrate your knowledge and expertise with the lessons we have learned so that everyone walks out better equipped for creating change.

  • Community-driven: At this event, people sit at tables interacting, listening, sharing, and learning together. The power to transform the paradigm for charity is in the partners already present in your community. We want to facilitate that transformative exchange of ideas.

  • Research-based: The material that we present and the exercises we will facilitate are based on our own experience in this work, continual research, and partnerships with innovative organizations around the country.

What are the key takeaways from the Reimagine Charity Seminar?

Participants in this interactive seminar will creatively engage three core concepts:

  • The reasons why traditional charity paradigms are not working

  • The principles of responsible charity

  • The framework of charitable efforts and where change must begin